
May 2015

Ranthambhore National Park

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Summer is arguably the best time of year if you suffer from Tigertitis. Head over to any Tiger sanctuary and with a bit of luck, you will find some lolling in the shade or in a marshy area cooling off their massive frames. We were lucky to spot 3 different ones, all siblings and below the age of 2. While it is surreal to come up close and personal with these magnificent beasts, it is unfortunate to observe the absolute mayhem and ruckus created by raucous tourists who have no understanding of what wildlife tourism truly is. They arrive in hordes with scant regard for anything but a 'sighting' and one is left feeling rather sorry to see the visible alarm in a Tiger's body language when it is surrounded by convoys of safari jeeps and trucks.


While we were privileged to sight 3 tigers, including a pair that stalked a family of boars, I paid equal attention to the surrounding wildlife and the various species that make up the eco system as a whole.

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